Home Staging Services in NJ – FAQs

What is Home Staging?

Home Staging is taking your personal imprint off your home and beautifully redesigning your rooms to attract the greatest number of potential buyers possible.  Staging your home to show its greatest potential will ensure that you sell faster and for the highest price possible.

How much does it cost?

We charge an hourly, competitive rate to do a walk-through with you and provide a written, room by room action plan.  During our walkthrough with you, we explain which rooms are critical to the sale of your home.  We also create a shopping list for any items needed and a “to do” list for any maintenance issues we find along the way.  The cost of staging a home yields exponential return on the dollar when you sell and is always less expensive than your first price reduction. 

How long does it take?

The walk through and action plan takes from 2 to 3 hours, depending on the size of your home.  Putting your action plan into place typically takes from 3 to 6 hours.

Who does the work?

We give you a written room by room action plan and you can either put the plan into place yourself or if time allows, we can immediately put your plan into place or schedule another time to do it.  We charge the same flat hourly rate as the walk through and written action plan.

Do you have to talk to my realtor?

We don’t have to but we always do.  We want to make sure the realtor is onboard with potential changes we plan to make and like to confirm the timeline the client has with the realtor before professional photos are taken and the property is listed.  We also want to know what the target market is for that particular property so we incorporate this into our staging.

Do you stage the outside of our home, too?

Yes, your written action plan includes everything from the curb to the back of your property.  We address the landscaping, walkways, building, lighting, windows, mailbox, etc.

Do you work evenings and weekends?

We work weekends but not evenings. It’s important that we see your property in the daylight hours so we see the amount of natural light in each of your spaces.

Can you still stage our home if our basement, attic, garage and outdoor shed are full of stuff?

Yes, as long as the rest of your home is beautifully staged, these spaces will not be an issue. We may suggest a POD-like storage unit, however, and you would be entitled to our corporate discount for the rental.