How do people with ADHD organize their home?

Organizing a home for someone with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) can be a unique challenge, as individuals with ADHD often struggle with focus, impulsivity, and organization. Here are some professional home organizing strategies that may be helpful:

Declutter and Simplify:

  • Minimize visual and physical clutter in the living spaces. Simplify decorations and furniture arrangements to create a clean and organized environment.
  • Remove unnecessary items and keep only what is essential. Consider donating or discarding items that are not regularly used.

Designated Spaces:

  • Designate specific spaces for different activities to help create a sense of order. For example, have a designated area for work or study, a specific spot for keys and important items, and a designated area for relaxation.

Use Visual Cues:

  • Visual reminders can be effective for individuals with ADHD. Use labels, color-coding, and visual cues to help organize and identify items. This can make it easier to locate things and remember where they belong.

Create a Routine:

    • Establishing daily routines can provide a sense of structure and predictability. A consistent routine can help individuals with ADHD remember tasks and keep their living spaces organized.


Professional Home Organizing Tips for ADHD

Organizational Tools:

  • Utilize organizational tools such as bins, baskets, shelves, and drawer organizers. These tools can help keep items in their designated places and make it easier to maintain order.

Digital Organization:

  • Embrace digital tools for organization. Calendar apps, task management apps, and reminders on smartphones or computers can help individuals with ADHD stay on top of their schedules and tasks.

Break Tasks into Smaller Steps:

  • Breaking down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable steps can make organization feel less overwhelming. This approach can also help in maintaining focus on specific aspects of the organizing process.

Establish Habits:

  • Encourage the development of habits by consistently practicing organization. For example, make it a habit to put things back in their designated places immediately after use.

Seek Support:

  • Enlist the help of friends, family, or roommates to create a supportive environment. Having others involved can make organizing tasks more enjoyable and provide additional motivation.

Professional Assistance:

  • In some cases, seeking the help of a professional organizer or therapist experienced in working with ADHD may provide valuable insights and strategies tailored to individual needs.

It’s important to note that what works for one person with ADHD may not work for another. Experimenting with different strategies and finding a personalized approach is key to successful organization.


Professional and Home Organizing for ADHD and ADD

Why do people with ADHD have a hard time organizing their home?

People with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) often face challenges related to executive functions, which include skills like organization, planning, and self-regulation. These challenges can contribute to difficulties in organizing their home.

Here are some reasons why individuals with ADHD may find it hard to organize their living spaces:

ADHD is associated with impaired executive functions, which are responsible for tasks such as planning, organizing, initiating tasks, and sustaining attention. Difficulties in these areas can make it challenging to establish and maintain an organized home.



  • Individuals with ADHD may easily get distracted by external stimuli, making it difficult to stay focused on organizing tasks. Constant shifts in attention can lead to unfinished or poorly organized projects.

Time Management Challenges:

  • Poor time management is a common issue for individuals with ADHD. They may struggle to estimate how much time tasks will take or find it challenging to prioritize and allocate time effectively for organizing activities.


  • Procrastination is a common behavior associated with ADHD. Individuals may delay tasks, including organizing, due to difficulties initiating activities or a preference for more stimulating and immediate activities.


  • Forgetfulness is a symptom of ADHD, and individuals may forget where they placed items or fail to complete tasks related to organizing. This can lead to disorganization and frustration.


Professional and Home Decluttering Tips for ADHD and OCD People

Difficulty with Prioritization:

  • Deciding what to prioritize and where to start can be overwhelming for individuals with ADHD. The inability to prioritize tasks may result in an unorganized home environment.

Executive Dysfunction:

  • Executive dysfunction, a core feature of ADHD, can impact the ability to plan and execute tasks in a systematic manner. This can make it challenging to create and follow through with organizational systems.

Sensory Sensitivities:

  • Some individuals with ADHD may have sensory sensitivities, making it difficult for them to focus in environments with excess stimuli. This sensitivity can affect their ability to engage in organizing tasks in certain spaces.

Struggles with Sustained Effort:

  • Maintaining effort over an extended period can be challenging for individuals with ADHD. They may lose interest or become fatigued, making it difficult to complete larger organizational projects.

Overwhelm and Anxiety:

  • The prospect of organizing a cluttered or disorganized space can be overwhelming for someone with ADHD. Anxiety about where to start or fear of making the wrong decisions may hinder the initiation of organizing tasks.

Understanding these challenges can help individuals with ADHD, as well as those around them, develop strategies and accommodations to make organizing tasks more manageable. Implementing supportive systems, breaking tasks into smaller steps, and seeking professional assistance when needed can be beneficial in overcoming organizational difficulties associated with ADHD.

Call the top professional home organizing company in NJ, Kirna Consulting at (908) 375-3108 for a FREE needs assessment or Contact Us today.