Here They Are. Now Let’s Eliminate Them.


Forgetting to bring needed papers to work, school and medical appointments.

You remembered your appointment and were actually on time for it. Now you discover that you forgot what you needed to bring. Solution: Get everything ready the night before, place them in a tote bag and hang the bag from your FRONT DOOR handle (see photo above). Doing this will send a positive message to yourself, “I can handle tomorrow; I already have what I need.” Choose a dedicated tote bag, preferably one with a zipper, so that papers can’t spill out in the car. If the bag is on the door handle, you can’t forget it.

Buying duplicate toiletries, school and office supplies because you can’t find what you need.

Solution: The secret is organizing shelves like a CVS or a Staples. Only use containers and lids for storing small, spillable items like pens, pencils, paper and binder clips. Have everyone “shop” from the same space (see photo below). Needless shopping trips to Staples and CVS can really get expensive. Also, leave hotel soaps and shampoo bottles behind or only take enough to restock your travel bag. They’re difficult to store, the quantity is tiny and most of the time they’re never used at home.

Forgetting coupons and needlessly spending extra money.

Ever had the experience of waiting on line at the store and the person in front of you has a coupon for the same item you’re buying and you don’t? Solution: Download the free SnipSnap app to your cell for in-store coupons. Before you get to the cashier, open the app, find the store and the coupon you want, “snip it” and let the cashier scan the barcode. If you have paper coupons, use a coupon organizer and always keep it in your car-NEVER in the house.

And, if you’re ready to take on more quick and easy organizing challenges, go to the middle of my homepage to the purple box and click on “SIGN ME UP”. You’ll get a series of emails over several weeks encouraging, instructing and challenging you to make this year your most organized year EVER.

Finally, a BIG “THANK YOU” to our Valued Clients. I and my talented team of organizing professionals really enjoy working with you and the co-workers, friends and family members you refer to us. We all hope that his year will be your best ever.

As our motto says, Live your Life. Love Your Space.

Warm regards,
Eileen Barrett